How To Build a Vacuum DTF Printer

Tutorial Video how to build DTF Printer Vacuum

Hello friends, come back with me the Tutorial Video DTG, for this one article I will discuss how to easily build own a vacuum for a DTF Printer. For now, the DTF Printer or Digital Transfer Film is a printing method that is selling well in the market. Why is it best-selling in the market because the process is not as complicated as a DTG Printer and Maintenance of this DTF Printer machine is also not as difficult as caring for a DTG Printer.

How to build a vacuum DTF Printer

Why do many people now like the results of DTF printing, because the results are very strong like manual screen printing or Plastisol, the texture is thick and not easily cracked, if it is pulled it doesn’t break or it can also be elastic, so why do many people like the results print this DTF method. For the DTF printer machine on Acrorip 9.0.3 only 1140 × 720 Resolution settings are 80% for white, the results are very thick and very white even though the percentage is low.

What You will get in this package are :

  1. Video Tutorial How to build a DTF Printer Vacuum.
  2. Details of Corel Draw files for the DTF Vacuum Printer.
  3. Tutorial Video on how to disassemble the Printer as well to attach the vacuum to the Printer.

Why does the DTF Printer have to use Vacuum, because when the Pet Film is printed, the Pet film will bend over time so there is a big possibility that it will hit the Printer Head which causes the image to be rubbed and damaged.

Why was this video tutorial on how to build a Vacuum was made, it’s because many people abroad want to have a vacuum but the shipping cost is expensive. Therefore we from the DTG Video Tutorial provide options for you so that you can make it yourself at home easily, just follow the video from what we made and then you can easily practice it yourself.

Come on, immediately have a video tutorial on How to build a DTF Vacuum Printer, the video tutorial on how to make a Vacuum DTF printer is very easy to do and we always guide it through the Whatsapp number on weekdays until success. The DTF printer will run normally without problems. Please contact this whatsapp number :




3 thoughts on “How To Build a Vacuum DTF Printer

  1. Hi
    im interested How To Build a Vacuum DTF Printer
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